It currently ranks #77 on Bab圜enter's baby names list for girls.
Arya is one of the more popular GOT names to be borrowed by parents looking for a special baby name. Its dynamic female character Arya Stark grabbed the attention of many. AryaĪrya is a newly discovered name with roots in India, made popular for girls, and girl dogs, by George Martin, author of the fantasy book series and subsequent HBO series Game of Thrones. Just be prepared, if it hasn't happened already, to meet more than a few fur babies with the same name. You can't go wrong with this Old Testament name that means 'father's joy' and can be spelled a number of ways, including Abbie, or Abi. It's got two syllables with no hard edges and ends on the happy upswing that is the Y sound. It's also, quite obviously, an irresistible dog name. Baby girl names most likely to be stolen for a dog AbbyĪbby is an adorable baby name - the kind that suits newborns, toddlers, and grownup humans.